
Artist: Craig F. Threshie (Thresh) / Jewels of the Reef
Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller (identified on the application form being submit and on the purchase receipt)

hereby enter into the following Agreement, commencing with the wholesale sale of Artwork(s) from the Artist to the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller:

1. General: Developing and maintaining a productive, synergistic business relationship between the Artist and the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller is of significant importance, and is the primary goal of this agreement. The Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller shall purchase Artworks from the Artist at wholesale pricing with the specific intent of reselling the Artworks to the public. In doing so, the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller agrees to represent the Artist and his Artworks accurately per the information provided by the Artist, and to promote the Artist and his Artworks to the public with the specific intent of selling the Artworks and assisting the Artist in building name recognition and a productive image for current and future sales. The Artist shall help promote sales of his Artworks through the Resellers' Storefront through the means presented herein. The Artist shall create unique, high quality, original jewelry Artworks presented and packaged in an appealing, saleable and professional manner.

2. Artist's Promotion of the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller: The Artist shall help promote sales of his Artworks through the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller's Storefront by, but not limited to, the following:
3. Artist's Support Tools for the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller's Sales: The Artist shall supply the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller with helpful support tools for the sales of his Artworks, to include, but not limited to: 4. Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller's Promotion of the Artist: The Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller shall use its best efforts to promote the sale of the Artist' Artworks by, but not limited to, the following: 5. Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller's Sales of the Artist' Artworks: The Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller shall utilize the following sales and representation tools and techniques of the Artist' Artworks, to include, but not limited to: 6. Non-Exclusive Representation: No exclusive representation is implied or conveyed by this agreement. The Artist understands that it is important to the success of both the Artist and the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller to not over-populate the local market of the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller's Storefront with the Artworks of the Artist, and therefore the Artist shall use appropriate discretion in determining the proximity of other Resellers of the Artist' Artworks.

7. Warranty: The Artist hereby warrants that he possesses unencumbered title to the Artworks, and that their descriptions are true and accurate to the best of his knowledge. Warrantees on workmanship and materials shall be as set forth on the Totally Thrilled Guarantee page.

8. Returns: Returns for wholesale purchases shall be as set forth on the Returns and Exchanges page, except that the 60 day period for retail sales shall instead be 10 days for wholesale purchases.

9. Payment and Shipping: Shall be as set forth on the Wholesale Payment and Shipping Page.

10. Pricing: Wholesale pricing of the Artworks are kept extremely low in order to promote successful relationships with Wholesale Purchaser/Resellers. In addition to this, for individual wholesale purchases over $1,000, the Artist will extend an additional 10% off the order total by way of a specially issued discount code for the checkout process. If the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller wishes to take advantage of this offer, notify the Artist in advance of the purchase and a code will be issued.

11. Markup: The Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller shall notify the Artist in writing in advance of any modifications in the regular, daily markup of the Artist' Artworks which deviate from the amount indicated on the Wholesale Buyers Registration and Application form.

12. Copyright and Reproduction: The Artist reserves all copyright and reproduction rights, including the right to claim statutory copyright, in the Work. The Work may not be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the Artist.

13. Duration of Agreement and Termination: This agreement will remain in force for the entire duration of time that the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller has any of the Artist' Artwork(s) in stock. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated at any time by either the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller or the Artist, by giving a seven (7) day written notification of termination from either party to the other. This Agreement will automatically terminate at any time the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller does not have Artworks of the Artist's in stock. Upon termination of this agreement for any reason by either party, both parties shall remove all promotion and indication of current association with each other from all promotional materials and websites.

14. Procedures for Modification: Amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing and must be agreed to by both Artist and Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller.

15. Miscellany: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Artist and The Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller.

16. Choice of Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of Hawaii.

By clicking on the "I Agree" check box, the Wholesale Purchaser/Reseller agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.